[Preview] Rang Study Cafe, Seongguk University Branch
What is a man, really? This philosophical question keeps running through my mind because of my friend, who seems to like me but never says it. No matter how obvious I make my feelings, the words “let’s date” never come from him, leaving me frustrated. Just when I thought it might be time to give up, he messaged me--asking if I wanted to go to a study cafe together. But seriously, what are we supposed to do there? Should I bring study materials?
Rang Study Cafe, Seongguk University Branch
What is a man, really? This philosophical question keeps running through my mind because of my friend, who seems to like me but never says it. No matter how obvious I make my feelings, the words “let’s date” never come from him, leaving me frustrated. Just when I thought it might be time to give up, he messaged me--asking if I wanted to go to a study cafe together. But seriously, what are we supposed to do there? Should I bring study materials?